It’s imperative that the masses learn factual history!

7 months ago

The masses are brainwashed so thoroughly that over half the population has no idea what the factual American or Global History consists of. And, this has led America to be easily dismantled right before our eyes for decades.
When people know a specific group is raping, torturing, molesting, murdering, scheming and stealing but actually says out loud they’re “God’s Chosen People” so you just have to turn a blind eye there’s a huge issue. I hear from the Right constantly. JEWS ARE NOT GOD’s -Jesus Christ- CHOSEN PEOPLE. They are Cain’s bloodline! Satan! You have been manipulated so they could grasp the globe. The Left are too self absorbed and Right are too busy chasing after false hopes and saviors. I have always said that the Right has to carry the weight of the survival of America. The Right is usually the soundboard, rational, analytical and logical but that is out the window.

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