The Public in the UK doesn't like being spied on, Tucker Carlson and Justin Trudeau as a cartoon

8 months ago

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Matthardybladerunner on X posted a video captioned "Little look at the damage done by blade runners last night" showing street lights with cameras, lasers, and/or microphones that were destroyed because people don't like the government spying on them and charging them fee and/or penalties for everything possible 🤔

on October 30, 2022 SNL make a skit about the Presidential race being a trailer of a new horror movie which comes pretty close 🤪

tooker kurlson on X posted a video captioned "Happy Canada Day feat Justin Trudeau" in cartoon form of Tucker Carlson interviewing Justin Trudeau, it's funny and sad at the same time because he really does need to take his gang and hit the road, end this globalist nightmare 😠

rossduhboss___ on TikTok posted a satire video talking about Biden and what's been going on 🤡

Interesting STEM on X posted a video captioned "Unclog stuffy nose and drain sinuses in 60 seconds" without using medicine 🤧

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