'Tone-Deaf Political DISASTER'! CNN Sr. Political Commentator Savagely TEARS Into Biden And Dems

3 months ago

Posted • July 2, 2024: Man oh man, CNN has certainly been entertaining for the past few days … unless, of course, you're a Biden supporter than perhaps not so much. Beyond the fact that it's fun watching them have to be HONEST and admit Biden is a shell of a man being exploited by his power hungry a-hole of a wife, we've quite enjoyed watching the faces of those who still support Biden because they don't care if some shadow government is running things. Grin and BEAR IT, Lefties. For example, watch them closely as CNN Sr. Political Commentator Scott Jennings goes OFF about the dumpster fire that is Team Biden. Must watch TV. Awwww, gotta love the 'shout out' to Hunter Biden pushing his dad to keep going. Can't let that money train stop now, dad! GOLD!!! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GRcv8ThXAAAhq2W?format=jpg&name=medium 🤣🤣🤣

Usually they pounce on Scott but they can't run from the truth anymore. And you can TELL it's destroying them. Delicious, ain't it? My God, is CNN becoming watchable? Wouldn't go THAT far but this was definitely entertaining. Maybe they are really giving up & going to push him out https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GRdGjHcb0AAjtfm?format=jpg&name=large -- Make sure you read the small print on that meme. -- I saw the smoke flowing from the squirrels peddling that cage so fast in their heads 😄 Lots and lots of internal screaming going on there. Gotta love it.

Twitchy: 'Tone-Deaf Political DISASTER'! CNN Sr. Political Commentator Savagely TEARS Into Biden and Dems

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