Raw Footage 5th Sunday after Pentecost

7 months ago

Combined Tri-parish service held at Bethlehem Lutheran Church of Engadine, MI.

Bethlehem has no internet service, but the members wanted the service recorded and posted online with the same look as our regular streams for Grace and Trinity Lutheran Churches.

Recorded 6/23/2024 using my cellphone running OBS Droid Cam tethered to my laptop running OBS studio. I did not have time to patch in an audio line from the house sound system; however, I did capture ambient audio using two microphones plugged into a portable amp lined into the laptop.

Post-production work was needed to adjust audio levels, crop, clip, and trim video. Compare this to final edit as posted for 5th Sunday after Pentecost by @TrinityNewberryLCMS or @GraceGermfaskLCMS here on Rumble

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