Democrats Don’t Have An Identity

8 months ago

All the prosecutions are all over the presidential immunity ruling yesterday. If the election is on the up and up and fair and Joe Biden is the nominee for the democrats Trump will win in a landslide. The 2020 election was stolen from the American people. And the call between Raffensperger and Trump about the 2020 election, Trump had the right to do it.
We have to do something about the crime and corruption in this country. We can’t pretend to put another committee and a report being released. We can’t let crime and corruption go. You cannot move out, it’s like the 2020 election. You are living in revolutionary times in the world. Republicans have the opportunity one last time to save the republic.
Democrats don’t have an identity. They can’t pick a candidate because they don’t know which direction they want to go in. They don’t know if the LGBTQ, Muslim, Palestinian, Jewish, Pro life, abortionists, if the border should be open or closed, or if they are for black jobs.
Naval war college hosts Trans-Identifying colonels to discuss LGBT experiences.
They are in a mess. The country is in a mess. Democrats are in free fall. They can’t get the genie back in the bottle. What we have told people for years is out in public. The media knows that they have been covering up for years.
The media is lying to you. They are not interested in saving democracy they are interested in saving the bureaucracy, the committee that runs everything.
We have to deal with the crime. Do you want televised military tribunals? When you hear about the Hur tapes and arresting Steve Bannon. And why don’t you hear about Barry Loudermilk tour as he was giving the tour for J6ers casing the Capitol.
You and I know they destroyed the evidence in the J6 select committee and they threw Steve Bannon in jail. No one is blowing the whistle of the people that should be tried for treason.
The media is running the scenario of Joe’s exit.
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