Maria Zeee's Spotlight on COVID Deceit Summary of Lies & Genocide & More Pandemics,More Lockdowns & Jabs Are Planned DO NOT COMPLY

2 months ago

This week many Australians reported having their intelligence insulted by mainstream media outlet Channel 7's 'After COVID' Spotlight segment. Maria Zeee takes us through an analysis of the COVID deceit, highlighting the criminality of what the Australian government, media, health officials in our country and worldwide did during COVID live at 6PM.

DO Not Comply ever again, Keep needles out of your body, and Scream the Truth from the Rootops. organize protests and fight like hell for Freedom.

Please support Interest of Justice who is making headway litigating for Nuremberg Two.
Follow their substack. A province in Costa Rica fought the 2030 agenda that was going to take away property from owners, and held protests for 15 weeks or more and were able through We The People in the streets demanding the 2030 Agenda be stopped, were able to stop it, In a provice not the whole Costa Rica yet. but IOJ is smart. Please support them for all our sakes.
Imagine Fauci , Gates, Trump, Hurari, Klaus Schaub, Tedros of the W.H.O and all the rest taking the stand at a World Crime Tribunal. That is what must occur.

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