~When Will We Ever Learn?~

8 months ago


Thought I hung out with the wrong people, not even close, several days ago a vietnam veteran with agent orange thanked me for listening, he goes in for treatment once a week for agent orange and told me that the guys are really messed up psychologically.
Think I got the straight scoop on Rick Crutchett my Marine neighbor in the 1970's, way I remember he said that the helicopters could not even get in to bring them food on hamburger hill, the trees were like toothpicks, war is about artillary not people, anyways drugs women, gun running, he committed suicide on Marsh Avenue, had drenched himself in gasoline, it was winter and he left a note by a boulder, one of the tires ended up on the twin cam of the Lotus Elan.


As a Vietnam/Cambodia combat vet I am very familiar with drug problem in the Nam. My drug of choice was Beer as about every 3 days they shipped us in 80 cases of beer and soda. When I reached the field in Feb 1970, it was 6 months before I saw a base camp. My second choice was Pot, usually laced with Heron. Whew!!! I am 72 years old and I have 3 brain cells left. Two of them have been married for 73 years and hate each other and the third brain cell I have left is looking for the drugs I left in the Nam.

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