Indonesia to Impose Import Tariffs of Up to 200% on Chinese Goods

7 months ago

07/01/2024 CNA: Indonesian Trade Minister Hasan has confirmed that tariffs of up to 200% will be imposed on Chinese imports. The move comes amid the US-China trade war; an oversupply of Chinese goods has led to a massive influx of its goods into Indonesia, threatening and damaging Indonesia's domestic industries, especially small and medium-sized enterprises. Hasan believes that tariffs of 100% to 200% of the value of goods will curb the surge in Chinese imports.
#Indonesia #Chinesegoods #200%tariff #tradewar
07/01/2024 亚洲新闻台:印尼贸易部长哈桑确认,将对中国进口商品征收最高 200% 的关税。此举正值中美贸易战之际;中国商品供应过剩,导致其大量涌入印尼,威胁和损害印尼的国内产业,尤其是中小企业。哈桑认为,按商品价值的100% 至 200%征收关税将遏制中国进口的激增。
#印尼 #中国商品 #200%关税 #贸易战

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