How Gallium Nitride Could Revolutionize Space Exploration

8 months ago

Researchers are turning to gallium nitride for high-temperature applications such as Venus exploration, due to its ability to withstand temperatures above 500 degrees Celsius.

A recent study by MIT and other institutions has shown that this material, along with its ohmic contacts, remains structurally stable even at these high temperatures. The study involved building gallium nitride devices and testing them under high-temperature conditions, revealing promising results for future electronics in extreme environments.

Venus Exploration and Gallium Nitride
On the scorching surface of Venus, temperatures can climb to 480° Celsius /900° Fahrenheit, which is hot enough to melt lead. This makes it an inhospitable place for humans and machines alike. One reason scientists have not yet been able to send a rover to the planet’s surface is that silicon-based electronics can’t operate in such extreme temperatures for an extended period of time.

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