WAS sure happen on 2nd december 2017 (three source proofs confirms same thing known was really happen)

6 months ago

[correction] looks sounds there was also other incoming later on december 2017, was upload wrong video, main incoming was 2nd december, original information been tried hide delete remove block out

"Is something big going through our atmosphere? On December 2, 2017 the meteor detector at LiveMeteors detected a weird unusual radar return on the tracker.

The meteor tracker doesn't detect objects, it detects ionizations which may or may not be from an object. A normal viewing would be some dots and you hear some beeps, but on December 2, it gave a huge radar return and a large burst of sound which lasted for about 2 minutes."


[know] this decrypt reminder translation is also critical for understand situation for have fate trust direction for good better best experience even without information, information keeps on low frequency victim level good only for wake up but not real need stay on information level after been already wake up

[note] when higher dimension galactics communication ship was been slide into earth higher atmosphere for on prepare full disclosure happen later now on end 2024, situation was seen on meterite atmosphere monitor also atmosphere high frequency monitoring nazi nasa was seen all happen but nazi science nasa was not told inform people publicly also information been years tried hide erase remove block out from on internet virtual reality, now here is all been told shown shared




[also] serie V 2009 was type 'soft disclosure' also was tell how flu vaccines trap for population already from 2016 forward before killer vaccines after 2019 but tv serie was been made only for to antidisclosure purposes to keep people on fear when full disclosure even full disclosure is not same thing on tv serie but whats mind fuck with mimic full disclosure situation before real full disclosure happen what easily make religion people more difficult understand full disclosure when been seen tv serie V 2009 when remember all movies tv series about 'alien take over attacks etc' what type propaganda try make chaos panic automatic on full disclosure even is not 'alien attack project bluebeam etc', full disclosure is not hypnotic experience what shown on movies tv series even shock is sure also angry reaction whats natural when not been know wake up before all already happen how forced wake up forced world peace also already first wave evacuation, you been under alien control already tens thousands years or worse situation longer time how your past life memories limited physical mental experience, best is when not look back when not try reach future before future is happen, just understand situation location place on moment or build up experience like want experience, good is not automatic on negative situation before full disclosure, good is only work work work after sign own mind for full work when wake up first, real disclosure is not how lower dimensions movies tv series shows but mimic similar to mislead people to mix things on mind when real happen, ships are different being are different effect is different also all deep darkness heavy negativities removed after hours, movies tv series show only lower dimensions slavery colonys level things stuff not higher dimensions galactics level, lower dimensions only mimic copy higher dimensions without follow higher dimensions without care creator creation highest level.

"V The Arrival"






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