Ammunition Accuracy Comparison: Testing the Accuracy of Reloaded and Factory Ammo

8 months ago

Gun Specs:
18" 1-8" twist barrel

Shooting Distance: 50 yards

Reloading Manual FPS for Minimum Loads (probably much less because manual data is from 26" barrel 1-12" twist for everything below 68 gr, and for 68-80 grain they used a 20" 1-9" twist):

50 gr Varmint Grenade=2800 FPS
55 gr FMJ=2800 FPS
55 gr VMAX= 2800 FPS
68 gr BTHP=2500 FPS
73 gr ELD-M= 2200 FPS
80 gr ELD-x= 2300 FPS

The results I got are not the most accurate they could be, because I forgot to bring my shooting bag to the range, but in terms of "practical accuracy," almost every group was about the size of my hand, which is pretty good for 50 yards resting the magazine on a box.

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