My 2 Loonies Worth July 1, 2024

8 months ago

Happy Canada Day. Have had a lot on my mind lately about how I feel about what is happening in Canada and in our world. Not all of it is sunshine and rainbows, but whenever is it? I wanted to talk freely about some things I have given some thought to and hope some of these thoughts at least get you feel something and maybe think. Canada was and can be again a great country but it is all up to each one of us to make that happen. We as a nation need to decide what type of Canada we want it to be as well as how that Canada is part of the whole world and beyond. I know I tend to go a lot of tangents that is the way my mind thinks. Being unscripted it tend to have a lot of thoughts come out of me at once. Some of you may find this hard to hear in it's raw form. I am soon considering taking some of my longer podcasts and turning them into more polished edited works on my new channel Owl Wise Wisdom. I hope for some newer viewers that will be the place thy get to finally see more distilled versions of what are more freestyle videos. If the majority of my viewers prefer this more edited format, which will take more time and not come out usually on the day or recording let me know at As always Like , Comment and for those not Subscribed you please consider doing so if you like my content and want notifications of new items.

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