Yan Mac Oireachtaigh Shares Views on Dublin Tent City and Deportations

7 months ago

Yan Mac Oireachtaigh, candidate for Dublin South West for the National Party, has released a video message addressing the Tent City on the Grand Canal. In the video, he shares his thoughts on the situation and proposes the idea of mass deportations as a solution. Yan Mac Oireachtaigh emphasizes the need for decisive action to address the crisis. "Is Linne An TodhchaĆ­!" (We are the Future!), he declares, underscoring his commitment to his proposed policies.

#YanMacOireachtaigh #NationalParty #DublinSouthWest #TentCity #MassDeportations #GrandCanal #DublinCrisis #IrishPolitics #Election2024 #IsLinneAnTodhchaĆ­

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