Exodus 32:30-33:23 - Show Me Now Your Way

8 months ago

In today’s passage, we overhear another conversation between God and Moses as Moses intercedes on behalf of the people after their idolatrous worship of the Golden Calf. What does it mean when Moses pleads with God, “Yet now, if You will forgive their sin — but if not, I pray, blot me out of Your book which You have written" (Exodus 32:32)? Pastor Kevin shows how this could refer to God’s Book of Life and draws from other Scriptures about the Book of Life to explain what Moses means. We see how this conversation again demonstrates that God has and will keep all His promises to the Jewish people, despite their frequent rebellion and eventual rejection of Messiah Jesus. In the same way, God in His grace and mercy, keeps His promises to those who come to Him on His terms today, which is faith in Jesus. Though we too sometimes fail, He will never blot our name from His Book of Life. So, like Moses, we cry, “Now therefore, I pray, if I have found grace in Your sight, show me now Your way, that I may know You and that I may find grace in Your sight” (Exodus 33:13)!
Associated notes, links, and the uncensored audio file are at calvarypo.org under Sermon Archives, Exodus, https://calvarypo.org/sermons/show-me-now-your-way-exodus-3230-3323/

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