No Game Engine Game Dev: Word Sleuth 006: Recursive ActionSequences and a bad animation

6 months ago

Streamed on 2024-07-01 (

Game Engines are for sissies!

I added the ability to turn animations on/off in the Settings menu. This is for testing (in case something animation gets broken, it can be disabled) and for speed runners who don't care how nice animations look and just want things to move as fast as possible.

Next up was adding SubSequences to ActionSequence. This allows recursively defining action sequences. With a bit of finagling it works with both a "Play" option which waits until the sub-sequence is done, and a "Start" option which just starts the animation and doesn't wait for it to finish.

And finally we added animation to submitting your guess ... and I don't like it. Doing a multi-stage animation with different easing curves causes velocity discontinuities which look really bad. I'll think up something else to try.

Even with the failure to nicely animate that drop, the Scheduler/Animation/ActionSequence framework is really coming together quite nicely.

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