Uncensored: LUCIFERASE to go Into the FOREHEAD or RIGHT HAND! Injected People Emit EMF

7 months ago

Maria Zeee Uncensored

Sep 20, 2023

Maria is joined by Hope & Tivon from Fix the World Project Morocco to expose how injected people are now detectable by various airport scanners, how people are emitting not only a bluetooth signal & MAC address but harmful EMF signals, and the whopping revelation of how Quantum Dots may be programmed to go into the forehead or right hand using Luciferase.

Visit Hope & Tivon's store for their EMF shielding products with miraculous benefits here:


For more information from this interview click here:

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Mirrored from https://rumble.com/v3jcheu-uncensored-luciferase-to-go-into-the-forehead-or-right-hand-injected-people.html

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