The Resurrection Part 18 | Pastor Paul Van Noy | 06/30/24 - Edited

7 months ago

Pastor Paul's Interview with Shahram Hadian -

00:00 - Introduction
05:29 - Today’s Lesson Overview
1:33 - Timeline Overview
2:42 - Millennial Theology Review
5:14 - Aspects of a Covenentalist
10:41 - Premillennialism
11:57 - Three Categories examined
12:18 - Old Testament Saints
12:19 - Support Text - Daniel 12:1 - 3 - Bodies Raised at the Second Coming
14:27 - Support Text - Zech.14:5b
14:42 - Church Age Saints - Come Back at the Second Coming
14:47 - 1 Thess 4:13 - 18
15:55 - 1 Thess 2
16:30 - Rev 19:14
16:59 - Rev 3:12
18:26 - Rev 21:22
19:28 - Rev 2:26 - 27
20:59 - About the 24 Elders
21:33 - The 24 Elders Represent the Redeemed
22:12 - Rev 20:4 - Tribulation Saints - Raised up at the Second Coming
23:45 - Five Phases of the Resurrection
25:40 - Jesus Body Was Missing - Matthew 28:1 - 8
26:57 - Old Testament Saints that were just around Jerusalem - Matthew 27:51 - 54
28:18 - The Church Age Saints - 1 Thess 4:13 - 18
29:00 - The Tribulation Witnesses - Rev 11:11-12
31:03 - Old Testament Saints/Global at the Second Coming - Dan 12:1 - 3
31:46 - Tribulation Saints at the Second Coming - Rev. 20:4 - 6
32:33 - The Dead/After the Thousand Years - Rev. 20:11 - 15
32:58 - A Great Opportunity
33:32 - Closing Prayer

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