Inside Biden's Mind: Demonic Revelations of the LEFT

8 months ago

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Now that the first Presidential debate of 2024 is over with voters have noticed that the only criticisms of Joe Biden from the mainstream media have been on his inability to speak in a coherent manner and not necessarily on his actual policies. But what if there was a way to see inside the minds of our elected officials and catch a glimpse of what they really might be thinking? While most of us can sense that the messages coming from the elite class in Washington are backwards, many of us can't describe why. Until now. And the truth is, Joe Biden likes to talk about the devil. A lot.
#jamesanthonyreport #debate #speech
Partial Transcript:
If you ever thought that elite class politicians oftentimes have a backwards message, this report is for you. According to the website Reverse Speech, linked up at James Anthony Report Dot Com, this auto generated phenomenon that occurs when we speak and can be heard when played backwards reveals what is happening on the subconscious level of the speaker. David John Oates and his work at Reverse Speech is credited with discovering this new form of communication in 1983 and claims that backward messages can be used to reveal psychological issues and as a form of therapy. For years we have heard the political left in the United States talk about how much words matter. And on this front, they got it right. Our English use of the word 'spelling'
comes from the notion that we invoke a "spell" every time we use words. Bad words are referred to as "curse" words for the very same reason; that we have the ability to speak either blessings or curses into existence every time we talk. Maybe it's time we start taking far left politicians at their word.
This is James Anthony Reporting.

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