
8 months ago

Good evenin', Critters Crew! Thanks for joinin' us for another episode of Critters For Dinner with Patton and Jason. We got a fun show lined up for y'all tonight. Our dynamic duo kicks things off by talkin' 'bout what's for dinner, but they get a little sidetracked with some horseradish sauce before they get back on track.
They dive into the latest buzz on X, includin' some big news 'bout Trump. Seems he got a favorable ruling from SCOTUS 'bout his immunity as President, which is a huge win not just for the MAGA folks, but for everyone who doesn't want our political system turnin' into a revenge game every 4-8 years. It's wrong, plain and simple, and always will be.
Patton and Jason chat about how we ended up here, with Patton claimin' that ol' Mr. Pepperoni Eyes has been pullin' the strings all along. Jason reckons y'all should check out Endgame by Alex Jones from over 20 years ago. Patton also delves into the 'woke' origins, and they talk about the J6 stuff, includin' droppin' an Amber Heard on Nancy's desk.
To wrap things up, Jason introduces Patton to the game called, 'Hide-A-Duke,' and don't y'all forget, we'll be on Keith's show this Friday and we want everyone to join us.
Today's shoutout Salty Andy from X! We love you Andy :)

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