Freedom Rocks Hard! Must-See Punk Songs for the 4th of July!

6 months ago

You are in the no fact spin zone, I'm Rile O'Billy. In this eye-opening video, we dive deep into the mysterious world of Freemasonry, uncovering the secrets that lie beneath their charitable facade. Inspired by Tim Moore's enlightening piece from Harbingers Daily, we expose the cultish underbelly of this so-called fraternal organization.

While Freemasons parade around as a benevolent brotherhood, their roots are buried in ancient mystery cults and pre-Christian symbolism. They preach brotherly love, truth, and charity, but don't be fooled. The real agenda is gnosis—the pursuit of hidden knowledge and secretive higher orders only accessible to the initiated. Their so-called great architect isn't the God we know but a deistic fabrication meant to fit their narrative.

The Kentucky Masonic Handbook makes it clear they don’t care much for Christianity. They dream of a synchronized religion where every deity is equal, and that’s where the danger lies. This isn’t about unity; it’s about diluting the gospel. When you strip Jesus out of the equation, you're left with an empty shell, a counterfeit spirituality that promises much but delivers little.

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