USS Trepang UFO Encounter

3 months ago

UFO enthusiasts have gone wild over pictures of huge, triangular spacecraft and floating cigar-shaped objects over the Arctic, allegedly taken in 1971.

The pictures, which fit many existing theories about aliens having a base in the Arctic, were supposedly taken by sailors aboard the USS Trepang SSN 674 submarine, but have remained secret until now.

They have been posted online by paranormal investigator Alex Mistretta and UFO site The Black Vault.

Many of the pictures carry captions that suggest they were ‘meant’ to remain secret, such as ‘Official Photograph. Not to be Released.

Nigel Watson, author of the UFO Investigations Manual, says, ‘They have certainly got UFO researchers scratching their heads and wondering and speculating that UFOs have a base in the Arctic regions.

‘They are an odd selection of pictures, that feature types of UFOs that have been regularly spotted by witnesses in all parts of the world. Airship or cigar-shaped type craft have been reported since 1896 when there was a great wave of 'phantom airship' sightings throughout the USA.

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