Our Gift to Each Other Is Each Other - a daily inspiration

6 months ago

July 29 - Our Gift to Each Other Is Each Other
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There are billions of people on this planet. Yet still, know that it is not by chance that you are interacting with those you meet. You have been specifically gifted to them, and them to you. It is not by coincidence that they are in your presence, and you are in theirs. Unaware of it as we may be, we have all made a spiritual commitment to each other. We have come together to assist each other in healing and becoming an expression of our true eternal loving essence and nature. There is something for you to learn and teach the people you interact with. There is something for them to learn and teach you. Today, ask God to help you see them, and your interaction with them, through His loving, non-judgmental lens. Do so and you will, little by little, begin to recognize and appreciate the gift that you are to each other.

Today, when you interact with another, remember that it is not by chance. No matter what judgment-centered dreams they may be dreaming and thus supporting as real, they are God’s children, forever worthy of your love, mercy and grace. Being all one, the more you see them as who they truly are, the more you will reinforce your own loving nature. Being all One, every time you see only the truth in them as true, you reinforce your connection to your all-loving Source. In every moment, your brothers and sisters are offering you the opportunity to recall that you are one with and worthy of God. For this alone, offer them your gratitude. By offering them your gratitude, you acknowledge the gift that they are to you. Having done so, gratitude now takes the place of your past judgments, and thus peace takes the place of your past pain.
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