Is Any Vaccine Safe? Turtles All the Way Down

3 months ago

Dr. Paul Thomas was the first doctor to run statistically significant studies on Vaxxed vs. Unvaxxed to prove or disprove the claim vaccines are safe and effective. Are ANY vaccines safe? Based on the methodology for testing for adverse events, especially as it pertains to placebos in clinical trials, many medical experts and parents err on the side of caution when it comes to the potential for harm with immunization. One book, titled ‘Turtles All the Way Down,’ provides a detailed analysis of the scientific literature pertaining to these topics, offering a broad scope of information so people can make informed healthcare decisions. Zoey O’Toole and Dr. Paul Thomas discuss a variety of valuable ideas covered in this publication, including the following:

- What is a placebo, and what makes it a standard for clinical trials?
- How reliable are medical journals?
- Who funds vaccine testing?
- Can we trust our regulatory agencies?
- Do people have the right to opt out of required immunizations?
- Are hospitals and their staff incentivized to give the shots?

“There’s a lot more out there than the mainstream is going to allow you to hear,” Zoey asserts. Find out the details, today, on ‘Pediatric Perspectives’!

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