[2017 Fusion ] ☢️ Serious Duke 3D ☢️ L.A. Meltdown Reimagined ( Remake )

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Serious Duke 3D is a reimagining of the first episode of Duke Nukem 3D. While the main idea is to recreate the classic Duke 3D experience, some modern elements are added to the mix, such as redesigned and expanded level areas, occasional enemy waves/arena fights and new weapons.
Also features redesigned enemy and weapon models from DNF with custom animations, as well as a selection of sounds and voice taken from several official Duke games and beyond that lots of custom assets and music tracks made exclusively for this mod.

You need Serious Sam 3 Gold Edition ( to get Fusion ) the steam version to play this ( it's on discount at this moment 90% ) --> https://store.steampowered.com/app/41070/Serious_Sam_3_BFE/

Install guide for Serious Duke 3D:
* https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/1432570016/1652169858534402159/ *

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