How I Went From Foggy Brain to Clear Thinking

8 months ago

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It’s tough slugging through the day with a foggy brain…
Forgetting what you’re supposed to be doing,
Having trouble remembering the names of people & things,
Feeling like you’re 10 steps behind everything, with no ability to multitask.

It’s not really a matter of being tired, but rather feeling like your brain is running a race at a snail’s pace. It doesn’t matter if you drink caffeine or energy drinks…
You have a foggy brain, and it stinks!

Here’s what I experienced-Parasites were affecting my brain clarity, because they pee/poop toxins that clog up the neurons in the brain.Yes, parasites CAN move around the body, even to the brain! AND parasites can cause anemia, which depletes the brain of the blood fuel it needs.

Now that I’ve completed my parasite protocol, my fogginess has cleared up! I remember better, can multitask better, and even sleep better!

Parasites frequently consume B vitamins from both your food and vitamin supplements. Insufficient B vitamins can disrupt your ability to regulate stress responses, produce hormones, and generate energy effectively!

Parasites contribute significantly to chronic fatigue, and they aren't exclusively acquired during travels to exotic locations. They release waste products like nitrites into your body, which your liver must detoxify. This process can lead to multiple allergies. When parasites invade organs like the liver, the body encapsulates them as a defense mechanism. Over time, the body may develop antibodies against these invaders, potentially leading the immune system to mistakenly attack the organ itself.

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