The End of the Petrodollar? BRICS Nations' Plan to Destroy the Dollar Revealed

6 months ago

"And they're not even hiding it now They say very public our purpose is to remove the dollars the reserve currency of the world That's what BRICS nations are doing Vladimir Putin's been doing it since 2013 Xi Jinping joined. Or since 2008 Xi Jinping joined in 20 13 Did you know in 2008 China held ten percent of our outstanding foreign debt Ten percent. Today they hold about 2 percent I've got inside papers written in Chinese with translations from ChinaScope where they say flat out We're going to destroy the dollar. How we're going to do it We're going to destroy it because we're going to convince other nations to stop using the dollar and we're going to stop buying dollar-based bonds. And then we're going to start selling them 30 BRICS nations are together on this strategy And you may have heard the quote rumor that the petrodollar was ended..."


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