3. [For You My Wife] --> From a MAN, to his WOMAN!

7 months ago

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29 June 2024


Dear Wife I see
In you and me
A place from where we we've been set free

From misery
From being less than we can be

Our love is true
In me and you
And guides every thing I do

How did you choose
To be my muse
Some days I ask if it's ruse

An epic trick?
It makes me sick
The thought of ever losing you

But in my heart
You did jump start
Feelings that will never part

From within me
There is a sea
An ocean of complexity

That has been warmed
Seemingly swarmed
By feelings that were new to me

By feelings that I could not feel
Feelings I could not let be real

For many years, I had no tears
Often instead I'd just drink beers

And all other forms of escape
avoid showing my inner state

Of fear and judgement from myself
And others who did not know the hell

I'd suffered as young bright boy
Who lost his way and lost his joy

And constantly I would employ
Any distraction, any toy

To hide the deepest suffering
But hidden it still did always bring

An empty pain within my chest
A feeling I could not arrest
No matter if I tried my best
I could not ever get a rest

From pretending I was OK
Though parts of me I could not say
Out loud, for fear I would display
Weakness that would pave the way

For withdrawal of others love
And from within and from above
There was no way I would portray
Emotions that were there to stay

But when we met a spark was lit
And five years later cupid hit

Right in my heart

It was the start
You took apart
The armour that had been a part

Of my defense
And my pretense
To hide my tears behind a fence

Of humour, smarts and recklessness
Conformity to those with less
Skin in the game, which made a mess

Of who I thought I knew I was
Of what was true for me because

I was deceived
And I believed
Emotions expressed would be received
And be perceived

As weakness, which would cause the need
And plant the seed
Though misconceived
That I was just a lesser breed

Of boy or man
Who showed he can
Not control his feelings and

There was a time
When it seemed fine
To never ever cross the line
The pantomime
Ultimate crime
To show grief and anger as mine
For fear others would then opine

That I was too weak to be man
Stiff upper lip, my only plan

To repress the knowing deep inside
I could not continue to hide
Or live life wasted due to pride
I had to live the other side

Of truth and peace within my heart
A feeling, knowing how to start
A journey that you did take part
And kept me from falling apart

So I could take the hits again
Get back up off the floor and then
Give my all and not pretend
That I didn't need help to mend

My broken heart
But in your part
Of my restart
You lit in me the very spark

Of courage to be truly seen
Vulnerable to the extreme
And through it all you shared my dream
Both of us on the same team

You held me when the chips were down
Wiped my tears and kissed my frown
You helped me place a mighty crown
Atop my head so I am bound

To be a man that shows up, and
Has no fear, does not pretend
That strength is keeping 'til the end
Feelings withheld that will upend

The very possibility
If living life content and free
Meaningful for all to see
A way of truly being me

So my dear wife
You saved my life
From inhibitions that were rife

Within my soul
That took their toll,
You helped me avoid further strife

And so I pray
Most every day
For another way to say

My love for you
Is ever true
And I will do
And will acrue
Memory of being loved all through

The hardest times
We've see the signs
Of what life can be if we combine

Woman and Man
You know we can
Achieve together much more than

We ever could
Alone, so should
We ever face adversity

Know that I'm here
With you my dear
For all of our eternity.

You'll be my muse
You'll light my fuse
And we will never be confused

Of our deep love
Our deep connection
Together we will show affection
I'll let none force their objection
Forever you'll have my protection.

So nuch more I want to say to you
But for now this poen wil do

You are my muse, that much is true
I'm here to be the same for you

I'll be with you through every bend
So know our story never ends

Thank you my queen, for we've been seen.
As muses, lovers and best friends.


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