The Transformers (1984) "Fire in the Sky" | S1 E7 | FULL EPISODE Review | Reaction and Thoughts..

6 months ago

The Transformers (1984)
Cartoon Series Episode Review

"Fire in the Sky" FULL EPISODE Review
S1 E7

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Vespor's Retro Reviews - Cartoon Episode Review
The Transformers | Retro TV Episode Review |
Review by TheVepsor and Ramsis
Episode 22

TheVespor and Ramsis give full review of the Season 1, Episode 7 episode of The Transformers cartoon series from 1984, titled "Fire in the Sky".

Part of our Cartoon Series Review Series here on Vespor's Retro Reviews. This time we are looking at the seventh first season episode. The episode that introduces, Jetfire, I mean Skyfire. I mean.. well its that big jet that joins the Autobots. Yeah that episode.

Set in the arctic, the Decepticons are draining another crystal (yep they love crystal based energy it seems) and the Autobots have to drive there (yep they drive there) to stop them. While the Decepticons are looking for more power sources they stumble upon a fallen Cybertronian. Skyfire and make him part of the Decepticon forces. But will he live up to Megatron's expectations as his ULTIMATE WARRIOR or change his tune and side before making the ultimate sacrifice (for a few episodes at least) when all is said and done? Tune in to find out!

See our full reviews of episodes based off of this very popular toy line that spawned 4 seasons of episodes and many spin offs based off of transforming robot toys from Hasbro. This is the series that started it all in 1984.

And yes we will be reviewing the entire first season, due to popular demand, and give you our full look at the set of episodes that started off the series that lead to a movie and lasted for almost 100 episodes in total throughout its 3/4 Seasons.

The Autobots, lead by Optimus Prime, are planning to leave to find energy on other planets and escape the Decepticons, but of course the evil Megatron finds out about the Autobots trying to find more energy and follows them and thus their adventure takes them to the Planet Earth many many many years later. And we have..

The Transformers!

This will be part of our Cartoon Series Episode Reviews. Where we take in depth looks at episodes of famous series from yesteryear and see how series turned out as the episodes progressed. .

Episode Index:

1) 0:40 Introduction
2) 1:16 Background on Jefire/Skyfire Character
2) 4:49 Plot and Full Review of 'Fire in the Sky'
3) 31:33 Final Thoughts and Rating of Episode

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