WorldWide Rally 13.0, Sydney (Highlights) Sat 23.09.23 - No to The Voice - Raymond Smith

8 months ago

This is the HIGHLIGHTS VIDEO for "No to The Voice Rally" - WorldWide Rally 13.0, Sydney, Sat 23.09.23 - The No Rally included a Corroborree with special guests who travelled all the way from far west NSW. It also included many Rally crowd favourites such as Uncle Bruce Shillingsworth, Buddy Shillingsworth, Auntie Glenda Merritt, Roland Chrystal (Cops for Truth), Dave Oneegs, Clr Steve Christou and more. Refer to the hashtag under this video #freedomhighlights for more WorldWide Rally for Freedom, Sydney Highlight Videos. It is always great to see the freedom loving community show up to these events, let's keep the pressure on.

Very special thank you to freedom loving musician "Raymond Smith" for providing permission to use his original song "No to the Voice" for this highlights video. Support great artists who stand with us by purchasing the original track via iTunes. For more songs from Ray, checkout his YouTube Channel:

And to buy his Debut Album "Freedom Road" via CD, MP3 and/or the limited edition USB Card visit his website at:
For more Freedom Music Videos, click on the following playlist:

Let me know if you would like me to keep creating these videos by subcribing to keep this channel active. I do my best to share what I see at these freedom events as a member of the crowd so you get to see exactly what I see in the audience. "Embrace our Larrikin Spirit, It's our best defence against tyranny".

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