WorldWide Rally 12.0 - Sydney (Highlights) Sat. 20.05.23 - Free Assange - Exposethe28 & More

8 months ago

WorldWide Rally 12.0 - Sydney (Highlights) Sat. 20.05.23. This Rally was different to most of the previous WorldWide Rallies in Sydney to date. The overall feel this time was spearheaded by the #FreeAssange Movement and we also heard from some powerful Women who dared to shine light on the abuse of children. The team who organised "The Forest of the Fallen" addressed the horrific effects from the worlds greatest experiment in a very personal and dignified way - humanity has compassion for the fallen. Dissapointingly, we did not hear from Smokin Joe ... however Smokin Joe provide a public Instagram Post addressing that issue. I also did not hear a voice on "The Voice"... perhaps I inadvertently missed it. Click on the hashtag #FreedomHighlights below this video for more WorldWide Rally for Freedom, Sydney HighLight Videos.
Full speeches have been uploaded to the springwatergreg bitchute channel.

"Embrace our Larrikin Spirit, It's our best defence against tyranny".


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