X22 Report-3391-CB Begins Narrative Trump Bad For Economy-Soft Coup-Optics Are Important-Ad Free!

6 months ago

I’m a fan of Dave at X22 Report. Here’s the latest episode without the ads. Enjoy! ;-)

Ep. 3391a - [CB] Begins Narrative Trump Will Make Economy Worse, Watch The Market

The Biden admin does not want to follow the SC ruling, they are continually going around it, now they said they are freezing the payments. 1 in 3 Americans making over 150,000 are worrying how they will make ends meet. [CB] building narrative of Trump killing the economy, watch the market.
Ep. 3391b - Soft Coup, Remember Optics Are Important, Define Insurgency, Who’s Coming Into Focus?

The [DS] have initialized a soft coup against [JB]. The plan was to show the people. Optics are very important, they need Biden to be the nominee, they need the people to see his breakdown continue. Obama wants the people to beg for someone else, and when enough their base is looking for someone else they will present the person. Define insurgency, Who's coming into focus?
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