Medical mystery solved by releasing trapped stress

8 months ago

Mathew Goddard joins us to discuss how stress is trapped in the body. We often think of stress as something mental, but in our discussion with Mat we explore how trapped stress in the body (as opposed to the mind) leads to disease. We discuss historical and cultural context of the TRE technique and other body focused modalities, the vagus nerve, how tremors assist the body to release stress.

Matthew shares his own story of how trapped stress impacted his body manifesting as symptoms so bad, doctors thought he had a brain tumour and this led him on a 12 month journey where he spent 1000s on MRIs, Cat scans, ultrasounds, neurologists, psychologists etc to no avail. until he discovered a simple technique that released stress that was a result of a fairly deep experience of PTSD. “After nearly 12 months of hell – I completely healed in 3 weeks of home exercises called TRE which everyone should know not just for PTSD, but any trauma or stress. I have shown many others this since and I learned a lot about the body, how trauma and stress is really processed and how the whole medical system has it wrong.”

Mathew’s symptoms progressed over this period of 12 months and included:
– stomach issues
– bodily pain
– insomnia
– tinnitus
– losing of balance
– slurred speech
– dropping things
– headaches everyday
– bloodshot eyes
– the list goes on

Doctors were at a loss and thought he had everything from Guardia, to brain tumours and finally to an anxiety disorder which could be solved with medication.

Mathew, “knew it was not a problem with my mind but more was coming from my body. One night when I couldn’t sleep I found a blog online from someone in the USA describing the same symptoms and how a technique called TRE helped them, I found someone in Victoria who was training people in it and attended a 2 day workshop, and after just 15 mins of these exercises, I woke up the next day without a headache for the first time in 3 months. Within a few weeks of doing these exercises at home I had made a significant recovery and was coming back. Within another month or so with the help of a few somatic therapy sessions I was 100%, after 12 months of hell.”

The interview with Mathew would be helpful to anyone, especially in this time, to understand various techniques to release trapped stress from the body that could potentially lead to a host of other diseases from cancer to heart disease, PTSD, autoimmune disease, depression, anxiety etc

Matthew is CEO/founder of Aquacultr is an agritech startup investing in the sustainable production of seafood. He has a wealth of experience, with qualifications in Environmental Science and Management, Business Improvement Leadership (LEAN, Six-Sigma), Economic Development and Business Coaching. As the Chief Operating Officer at The Village Co, Mat effectively manages resources and relationships, ensuring that business operations are efficient. The Village Co’s mission to “do good locally”, helping to partner with Aussie charities to raise money and awareness for mental health issues.

Post Interview Information
TRE Global site:

TRE Australia:

Books that supported my journey:
Waking the Tiger:

The Body Bears the Burden:

Trauma Releasing Exercises:

Youtube Links

Polar Bear Trauma release:

Impala shaking off trauma (One of the best vids to show disassociation release):

What is TRE?

TRE Full Instructions:

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