The Gospels E8 The Book of Luke Part 2

8 months ago

On today's episode, Jana and Reata conclude the Gospels series with their favorite tangible takeaways from the book of Luke. They start off by revisiting the warning Jesus gives his disciples about the yeast of the Pharisees with Luke 12:1 explaining how the "leaven of the Pharisees" is hypocrisy, illustrating how scripture often answers itself in different passages and books.

Jana shares her two favorite takeaways, leading to conversations about following Jesus' example but knowing when to reach out and interact with others and when to avoid relationships that could be detrimental. They also discuss knowing the difference between socializing with people from different backgrounds versus revisiting manipulative relationships and why you shouldn't "missionary date".

Lastly, Reata elaborates on her final takeaway from the book of Luke with "The Road to Emmaus" and summarizes the theme and significance of the Gospels and the good news about Jesus.

Resources Mentioned:(Church of the Highlands Series on The Beatitudes)

(Bible Project - Sermon on the Mount)

Tangible Talks podcast conducts conversations about applying the teachings of God in everyday situations that reveal Jesus.

Show Music:"Brand New Day" by Reveille

Show Credits:Creative Producers & Hosts - Jana Hunt, Reata Zeanah
Editor - Jana HuntSound Design & Logo Artist - Reata Zeanah
Photo Credit: Jordan Wozniak

Instagram: @tangibletalks

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