Book of Matthew E3 Part 1

8 months ago

On today's episode, Jana and Reata discuss their favorite verses and tangible takeaways from the Book of Matthew. Reata shares how Matthew Chapter 15 makes her use scripture as a mirror to see what is in her heart, as well as how our speech is a reflection of what is in our heart. Jana shares how Matthew Chapter 6 helps her overcome struggles with being a natural saver and to prioritize letting go of money so that money does not own her. Lastly, Reata recalls a busy time in her life that left her feeling exhausted when she found Matthew 27:32 which transformed her mindset on letting go of her pride and accepting help from others.

Resources:Be Ready E3 - The Importance of Being Ready (Part 2) Links: Parable of the Sower Episode ApplePodCast:

Parable of the Sower Episode YouTube:"Smart Money Smart Kids" by Dave Ramsey and Rachel Cruze: tip: If you're interested in this resource check your local library to see if they have it available ;)

Tangible Talks podcast conducts conversations about applying the teachings of God in everyday situations that reveal Jesus.

Show Music:"Brand New Day" by Reveille
Photo Credit: Marc Olivier Jodoin
Show Credits:Creative Producers & Hosts - Jana Hunt, Reata Zeanah
Editor - Jana HuntSound Design & Logo Artist - Reata Zeanah
Website: @tangibletalksContact:

#tangibletalks #tangiblebelief #tangiblefaith #tangiblehope #leadmetobelieve #tangiblelove #tangiblegrace #unconditional #janahunt #reatazeanah #bookofjohn

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