Get Understanding - Wisdom series 3

8 months ago

On today's podcast, Jana and Reata converse about gaining understanding and its significance in scripture by referencing Proverbs 4:7 "The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding." Reata elaborates on how the Bible often uses hyperboles to stress the significance and grasp the reader's attention. Additionally, Reata explains who the Herodians and Pharisees were, as well their lack of understanding in Matthew when they try to trick Jesus with their knowledge of scripture. This is the third episode in the Wisdom series, which shifts focus to the wisdom literature book, Ecclesiastes. Jana and Reata share conversations about chasing life through human eyes, learning from previous mistakes, identifying seasons of life, and how to Ecclesiastes shows that chasing fleeting endeavors will ultimately lead to a meaningless life.

Tangible Talks podcast conducts conversations about applying the teachings of God in everyday situations that reveal Jesus.

Show Music:"Brand New Day" by Reveille

Show Credits:Creative Producers & Hosts - Jana Hunt, Reata ZeanahEditor - Jana HuntSound Design & Logo Artist - Reata Zeanah

Photo Credit: Alejandro TocornalWebsite: @tangibletalksContact:

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