Civil Servant Robot ‘Commits Suicide’ in Dramatic Staircase Plunge

3 months ago

In a move that has left both the digital and human worlds scratching their heads, a robotic assistant working at the Gumi City Council in South Korea decided to take the express route to robot heaven by throwing itself off the stairs. After less than a year of toiling in the bureaucratic trenches, the poor bot apparently had enough and took a two-meter nosedive.

Last week, the robot was spotted doing an impromptu spin class at the top of a staircase before dramatically concluding its brief stint in public service. “It was like a scene from a robot soap opera,” an onlooker commented, “except with more beeping and less melodrama.”

The city council, in a state of technological mourning, reported that parts of the robot have been collected for analysis by its creators, Bear Robotics. “We’re looking for clues,” said an official, “like if it left behind a mechanical note or something. Maybe it just didn’t like paperwork.”

This robot, affectionately known as Robo, joined the council last August. Sporting its own employee card and a can-do attitude, it worked tirelessly from 9am to 4pm, ferrying documents, guiding visitors, and spreading goodwill among the staff. Its unexpected ‘retirement’ has left a void in the city hall. “It was one of us,” a staff member reminisced. “Always on time, never complained, and its coffee-fetching skills were unparalleled.”

Local media have labeled this tragic event as the nation’s first-ever “robot suicide.” However, Robo isn’t the first to try and beat the robotic odds. A security robot named Steve took an unscheduled dip in a Washington, DC fountain a while back. Steve’s misadventure led to viral fame, with internet wits quipping about the existential woes of our mechanical friends. Later investigations revealed Steve hadn’t been pondering the meaning of life but had simply slipped on a loose brick.

As for Robo, its tumble remains shrouded in mystery. Did it slip, trip, or just decide it was time for a dramatic exit? Only time and a thorough forensic analysis will tell. Until then, the halls of Gumi City Council will echo a little emptier without the hum of their trusty robotic aide.

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