Being Ready for the Future E4

8 months ago

On today's episode, Jana and Reata dive deeper into being ready for the future with an emphasis on finance. Join them as they discuss how debt and cares of this world can choke your life and prevent you from living and experiencing God's abundance. Throughout the episode they explore topics such as their own experiences with debt and methods they used to overcome it, as well as worldly cares they learned to ignore in order to gain more financial freedom and peace of mind.

Episode Resources:
Student Loans:
1) How to avoid them:
2) How to pay them off fast:

Getting out of Debt Book Resources:
1) Breaking Free from Debt by George Kamel
2) Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey
**Pro tip find these books in your local library or buy used :)

Free Financial Advice/Tools:
2) Every Dollar App

Special Guest Appearance: Jojo Hunt (Episode's closing prayer)

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