TRAGIC: Dan Hartman's 17 yr Old son Sean, died 33 days after his first Pfizer vaccine.

8 months ago

This is tragic story of Dan Hartman, whose son, a perfectly healthy boy with no underlying conditions, died 33 days after his first Pfizer vaccine. Sean, 17, took a COVID-19 vaccine to be allowed to play hockey. Dan said he took Sean to the emergency room four days after his first dose because he had brown circles around his eyes, a rash on his face, and pain in his right shoulder.
He was sent home from the emergency room soon after. He was found dead on his bedroom floor one month later.

IBID FULL: Canadian Family Physician Chris Shoemaker Speaks about treating his patients through COVID

See also: 17 year old Sean Hartman died suddenly. Here, His father Dan blames the Pfizer Vaccine

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