Be Ready E3 - The Importance of Being Ready (Part 2)

8 months ago

Today's episode dives into the parable of the sower; exploring the symbolism and tangible lessons we can learn from Jesus' teaching on the four types of seeds that represent individuals and their varying degree of faith and acceptance of God's word.
While discussing the four types of seeds, we explore topics such as knowing what you should do, but not doing it; procrastination and lack of discipline in daily life/habits.

Additionally, we take a deeper dive into the third seed, the person who hears the word of God, but is choked out by worldly cares and the deception of riches. This discussion lends itself to answering the questions: What are worldly cares? What do they look and feel like in our daily lives and what are some ways to combat them?

Topics Discussed:

Breaking free from the fear of others' opinions
Worldly cares - internal and external
Internal and materialistic clutter that get in the way of living our best lives
Jealousy and comparison
Questions Proposed:

What things/thoughts have you removed from your life to help you better prepare for a more calm/peaceful life? Why is this important?
What ideas/practices have you adopted to prepare for a more fulfilling life?

Notable Verse:
Matthew 13:23 "But as for the seed sown on good soil, this is the person who hears the word and understands. He bears fruit, yielding a hundred, sixty, or thirty times what was sown.”

Quotes Referenced -

“The first step in crafting the life you want is to get rid of everything you don’t”
- Joshua Becker

“Every physical possession we own takes up space in our home and mental space in our mind.” - Joshua Becker

TangibleTalks podcast conducts conversations about applying the teachings of God in everyday situations that reveal Jesus. Show Music: "Brand New Day" by Reveille Show

Photo credit: Papan Saenkutrueang
Credits: Creative Producers & Hosts - Jana Hunt, Reata Zeanah Editor - Jana Hunt Sound Design & Logo Artist - Reata Zeanah Website: Instagram: @tangibletalks

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