25 Lunar Day- July 1, 2024- Useless to do anything urgent-No quick actions, no quick results.

8 months ago

Why did that important email get stuck in the queue or lost somehow? Why do people do this or that this day, which was strange to me. Why do I feel like I have to make myself move faster when my body want to go SLOW! Well, it seems we are supposed to be couch(sofa)-potatoes certain days of the lunar cycle. I’m learning how to rest so this insight and many more helps me.

The video talks about how to plan/organize each day of the month by using guidance from Cosmic Ancestors and apply it to daily activity for optimal efficiency via the Lunar wisdom. Each day we are meant to live purposefully.
Lunar Day guidance is for anyone who want to stump out the fires being experienced in various parts of their daily life. It is for those who want truthful answers to a happy organized life. It is for those who want to learn more about themselves in a flexible, forgiving way. It is for those who want to live in peace, not pieces.


How To Set Your Time zone Using the Website
Look to the right side of the page, near the profile, info, and email icons. You will see the "City" Icon-option. Click on it and choose your region. For example, if you select "USA", you will need to also select the city within USA for the information to be as accurate as possible.

How to Find & Read the Lunar Monthly Calendar
From the top header on the page, select the current month. Once selected, a table shows you the regular days of the month. From left, the first column shows you regular days of the month and the next column in the table shows you the lunar days. We follow counting from the lunar days of the month. The next column in the table shows the exact hour when a specific lunar day begins thus your city time zone is very important. The next columns are self-explanatory.
For this teaching/sharing, I will not focus on which sign (Zodiacs) the moon is in.

I do not own nor contribute to the website mentioned above.
Date stamps are based on my Central Daylight Time-zone. Adjust yours accordingly so you can observe accurately.
Everyone is free to use or pass-up this insight, your choice.
The information is not binding in anyway a contract is.

What information provided here-in is familiar to you from your culture?
What will you like to share to help bring forth more insight about this topic?

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