Farewell Sermon (Khutbat al-Wada) Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) Last Message

8 months ago

The Farewell Sermon (Khutbat al-Wada'), delivered by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) during his final pilgrimage to Mecca in the year 632 CE, is considered his last major address to the Muslim ummah (community). It took place on the 9th of Dhu al-Hijjah on Mount Arafat.

Key points of the sermon include:

Sanctity of Life and Property: He emphasized the sacredness of a Muslim's life, property, and honor, declaring them inviolable.

Equality: He stressed that all humans are equal, regardless of race or ethnicity, and that superiority is only through piety and good actions.

Rights of Women: He highlighted the importance of treating women with kindness and respect and ensuring their rights.

Prohibition of Usury (Riba): He abolished all forms of interest, urging fair and ethical economic practices.

Adherence to the Quran and Sunnah: He instructed the Muslims to hold firmly to the Quran and his Sunnah (traditions) for guidance.

Brotherhood and Unity: He urged the community to remain united and avoid conflicts and divisions.

The sermon concluded with the Prophet (PBUH) asking those present to convey his message to those who were not there, emphasizing the importance of spreading his teachings.

#ProphetMuhammad #FarewellSermon #Hajj #Islam #Equality #Justice #Compassion #IslamicTeachings #MuslimUmmah

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