S4 Ep5 God is Never Without A Witness, Even Without the Church

8 months ago

We talk about those who may not ever hear the gospel of the free grace of God. Are they without hope? Is God so dependent on us that he has no other way to reach them? Scripture teaches that God is never without a witness. This is a foundational part of Paul's argument in the Book of Romans.

We continue also chat about the point of the the Law (Ten Commandments, etc.) and how we can (must) apply rightly dividing the Word of Truth (2 Tim 2:15) to all of our Bible Study. We touch in the parable of the Sheep and Goats again in Matthew 25.

Finally, I explain why I'm opposed to the Kansas proposal of putting a chaplain in every school. Talk about putting a fox in the henhouse!

The demise of the West is not because we took the Bible out of the schools, we took the Bible out of the schools because of the demise of the West... and professed Christendom's dependence on tradition over God's truth made that all possible.

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