Season 2 Episode 42: He Gathered Them Together Into A Place Called Armageddon.

8 months ago

Originally aired 6/29/24. Hello Friends, Today we’ll discuss God’s judgment of the nations who oppress Israel.

All over the world, PRO-HAMAS, ANTI- ISRAEL, ANTI-WEST mobs become MORE EMBOLDENED in their invasion of streets, institutions, and public spaces while chanting threats to take over host countries, and fill the world with their AGGRESSIVE HATE.

They assault Jews, and anyone who does not get out of their way—they vandalize and take over public spaces, menacing the population, with chants to WIPE out Israel, Take over host countries, and overthrow democracy. They are of their FATHER, SATAN, who just as JESUS said, comes to KILL, STEAL, AND DESTROY.

And INCREDIBLY, we LET THEM. Western nations are irrationally tolerant of these constant threats, while still enforcing “HATE SPEECH” and other LEFTIST codes of conduct on any peaceful self-expression of citizens.

The UN and other international bodies continue to condemn and WARN ISRAEL against its effort to defend itself from HAMAS MURDERERS, and to TOLERATE Hezbollah's DAILY ATTACKS.

Moreover, the Biden Admin is pressuring Israel so much to surrender GAZA, recognize PALESTINE, and HOLD BACK against HEZBOLLAH because of UNRELATED issues that threaten the Democrat’s REELECTION.
• For example, On JUNE 9, 2024, After 50 years, the Saudi Petro-dollar agreement with the US expired, & the Saudis REFUSES TO EXTEND it
• The O’Biden administration believes this is because of the war in Israel and so among many other reasons, the US is pressuring Israel to end the war effort to finish off HAMAS in order to bring the Saudis back to the table
• But Saudi Arabia wants to wait and see if Trump gets back into office, who facilitated the Abraham Accord, and major steps toward normal relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel already.
• Trump is safer for SA because IRAN, a Shiite nation, threatens SUNNI Saudi Arabia, but TRUMP is strong, takes decisive action against Iran and her proxies, and will stand by his agreements
• Saudi Arabia watched Biden abandon their partners in the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, leaving all the military equipment in the hands of the extremist Taliban, and
• NOW this administration is ILLEGALLY withholding ARMS from ISRAEL, against US congressional agreements, in order to force Israel to do its bidding.
• This administration does not keep its obligations to allies, so Saudi Arabia refuses to extend the agreement, which benefits SA based on a MUTUAL PACT for the US to supply specific weapons and a strategic partnership to back SA against IRANIAN aggression.
• In Return for this cooperation, OIL was ONLY to be sold in the international market using the US DOLLAR as the reserve currency. That’s why it is called the PETRO-DOLLAR.
• So with the expiration of the PETRO-DOLLAR agreement, this means that OIL DOES NOT have to be sold in US dollars only—It can be Russian Rubles, Chinese YUAN, Indian Rupees…
• But GUESS WHAT that means for the US DOLLAR? It’s virtually WORTHLESS to other nations if there is nothing that REQUIRES CENTRAL BANKS of other nations to have dollars on hand.
So the DIABOLICAL PLAN of these Globalist-led nations is to CONDEMN ISRAEL, THWART her efforts to defend herself, IN SPITE of all the REVELATIONS that Israel is a victim of horrific efforts to ACTUALLY COMMIT GENOCIDE against the JEWISH NATION, from HAMAS, Hezbollah, The HOUTHIS, all the PROXIES of IRAN completely SURROUNDING that small nation.
In other words—to again MARTYR The ONLY JEWISH NATION in the world.

All the while, Iran has stepped up its nuclear enrichment, and should have a weapon to destroy Israel with any week now—and the UN doesn’t condemn it. They don’t condemn or pressure HAMAS to surrender and release the hostages. They also are NOT condemning Hezbollah or pressuring them to stop daily attacks on Israel out of Lebanon.

Most people don’t realize that the UN Security Council Resolution 1701 passed in 2006 REQUIRED Hezbollah to move its operations NORTH of the Litani River in Lebanon to create a safe zone buffer, and to stop attacking Israel. However, Hezbollah has NEVER COMPLIED and the UN security forces have NEVER ENFORCED THIS.

And so we know that the world WILL TURN against Israel, because SATAN is trying to DESTROY Israel, and the World follows Satan. And Satan wants to DESTROY Israel because Jesus made a PROMISE to them.

And so SATAN KNOWS that as long as there is an ISRAEL, then one day they will CRY OUT to YESHUA יֵשׁוּעַ and HE WILL SAVE THEM, and DESTROY SATAN and his antichrist dominion.

Am Israel Chai! עם ישראל חי

Last episode In Rev ch 14, we read how God will give people on earth 3 opportunities to REPENT and accept Jesus BEFORE they take the Mark of the Beast and suffer God’s judgment. Remember that God sent:
• 144,000 Jewish Evangelists out to preach in ch 7
• Two Witnesses to Testify for 3 ½ years in ch 11
• Then An angel to fly throughout the World preaching “THE EVERLASTING GOSPEL” and warning to REPENT in REV 14:7.

And so today we pick up at Rev 14:17, and see the ANGELIC REAPERS are sent out, SEPARATING out the Rebellious Wicked for Jesus's judgment, which in Ch 16 is a call to the battle of Armageddon.


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