Professor Dr. Paul Connett Fluoride Toxicity Presentation in Australia - Fluoride Free Australia

6 months ago

In this Youtube video professor Dr. Paul Connett discusses the overwhelming evidence that fluoridation chemicals damage the developing brain of the fetus, infant and child. There is a substantial body of science showing fluoride causes a range of other physiological harm. And there is ENORMOUS evidence to show fluoridation is NOT effective in reducing tooth decay.

In this video, Professor Paul Connett explains in detail the toxicology science of fluoride. His presentation "The Neurotoxicity of Fluoride: Science versus Denial" is a must-watch for fluoride proponents and opponents alike and includes the divisive methodology the NHMRC continues to use for fluoridation, excluding crucial toxicity studies. Every pro-fluoride health professional and official should watch this presentation rather than arrogantly stating "the science of fluoride was settled 70 years ago". How can ANY science be settled?!
We are everyday Australians and alongside informed dental and health professionals oppose water fluoridation. Help us make Australia's tap water Fluoride free. Our primary goal is for the removal of Toxic Fluoride from the the Australian Water Supply. We are everyday Australians, and alongside informed dental and health professionals, oppose water fluoridation due to its harmful health effects.

If you wish have the fluoride removed from your local drinking water supply here in Australia please visit our website for information on how this can be done.

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