Apatros Review Ep-0079: Alien Predator [2018 Asylum Mockbuster]

8 months ago

AR-0079: For those who have been blissfully unaware of these guys, The Asylum are an independent production studio in California that since around 2005 have been making low-budget borderline plagiaristic versions of big-budget films, something they call "mockbusters"...

...so essentially they are the new Italians, only without the skill, cool or badassery.

In this particular example [no prizes for guessing which movie they are trying to ripoff here], the dumbest Black Ops unit in the entire US Military takes it upon themselves to head out into the jungle for a quarter-baked rescue mission, only to get shot at by purple lasers [LAAAAME!!!] and eventually discover an alien ship crashed into the only halfway decent building in the area.

Some alien soldiers on their way to a distant planet battlefield took a wrong turn [you guys are supposed to turn RIGHT once you pass Jupiter, NOT LEFT!!!] and somehow I don't think AAMI extends their coverage to the planet these guys were from.

One of the worst Asylum mockbusters I've seen so far, mainly due to the utter lack of conviction and proper research these guys showed. If I had to give one solitary positive, the ending was surprisingly better than I was expecting.

My Grade: D- [Atrocious]

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