JAU Zoom Meeting 6-30-24 "Message bearers of Freedom"

6 months ago

What do you tell someone still locked in the old narrative that they must strive to improve their standing with God? Our group today talks about how the common Christian belief of being a "work in progress" is rooted in the false narrative of sin and guilt. They shared how discovering their true identity in Christ - that they are already complete and perfect in Him - has set them free from this performance-based mentality.

Scriptures: Col. 2:9,10
The Who- "I am free"
Iron Butterfly - "In Gadda Da Vida"
Dennis D - "Knowing Inside of Jesus" https://nwmenscoalition.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/knowing-inside-of-jesus-6-30-24-1.pdf

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