Dave Kershner Lightning Round | Ep180: Oh Mama... What a Week!

8 months ago

In Episode 180, Dave discusses the week that was and… Oh Mama... what a week!! First up is the overturning of Chevron deference in the court system. After that it’s a non-stop barrage on the disaster impersonating a Presidential debate. From there, Dave throws in some tin foil hat theories and closes with with further proof that the idiot was lying as Joh Deere is closing plants and moving to Mexico. Article discussed:

Supreme Court sides with fishermen in landmark case deciding fate of the administrative state by Brianna Herlihy from Fox News
RFK Jr. warns Biden isn't running the country after panned debate performance: 'It's scary' by Bailee Hill from Fox News
Jill Biden's ex-husband calls her out for defending 'struggling' Joe Biden, 'keeping him in the race' by Andrea Vacchiano from Fox News
World reaction to US presidential debate: Mockery from China and Russia, concern from allies by Peter Aitken from Fox News
Can Biden be replaced as the Democratic nominee? By Remy Numa from Fox News
'It's a mess': Biden turns to family on his path forward after his disastrous debate by Carol E. Lee, Kristen Welker, Jonathan Allen, Mike Memoli, and Monica Alba from NBC News
John Deere announces mass layoffs in Midwest amid production shift to Mexico by Michael Dorgan from Fox Business
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When Rome Stumbles | Hannibal is at the Gates | By the Dawn’s Early Light | Colder Weather | A Time for Reckoning (paperback versions) | Fiction Series (paperback) | Fiction Series (audio)

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Preparing to Prepare (electronic/paperback) | Home Remedies (electronic/paperback) | Just a Small Gathering (paperback) | Just a Small Gathering (electronic)

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