VENUS FORECAST through CANCER: 7/7/24 - 7/23/24, "The Choice Triangle"

7 months ago

From the air of Gemini to the waters of Cancer, our beloved baby Evening Star Venus takes the plunge down into the depths of the soul. She aspects Saturn Rx and Lilith Rx in a grand trine and I teach you a life hack!

Venus must compassionately purge people, things, and ideas that are not serving the soul’s purpose as she opposes Pluto Rx, while at the same time being reminded of her wounds in a square to Chiron.

As the Sun enters Cancer on 7/16, fresh and flowing energy from Jupiter and the Moon’s Nodes make aspects with Venus allowing a space for new perspective and expansion.

I go deep into the energy of the next New Moon which is conjunct the Scorcher Star Sirius. This is the back drop and an energy portal for all of us!

4:55 - Venus in Cancer Energy
8:36 - Venus in Space
15:38 - Venus in the chart
16:34 - Transit Grid
17:42 - Venus trines Saturn Rx until 7/7
22:53 - Venus trines Lilith Rx 7/2-7/12
25:26 - Life Hack! The Triangle of Choice!
28:05 - Venus squares Chiron 7/2-7/9
30:44 - Sun/Moon conjunct Star Sirius 7/5, New Moon
33:13 - Mercury enters Leo 7/5
33:45 - Mars enter Taurus 7/10
35:10 - Venus sextiles Uranus 7/5-7/9
36:25 - Venus trine Neptune Rx 7/5-7/15
38:21 - Venus opposes Pluto Rx 7/5-7/16
39:49 - Review so far
43:12 - Sun enters Caner 7/16
43:54 - Venus trines NN and sextiles SN 7/16-7/23
46:54 - Venus sextiles Jupiter 7/18-7/23

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