🙄 David is sugarcoating-IT IS THE JEWS

8 months ago

Speaker: David Icke)

The Jews control the American media❗️

Hollywood is controlled by the Jews❗️

The FED (the central bank of the USA) controls the economy in so many ways❗️Consider, it’s privately and not governmentally owned❗️

„Climate Change“-Policy is controlled by the Jews❗️

Wars are created and pushed by the Jews❗️

The 9/11-Commission-Report was written to clean the official story❗️“9/11“ was planned, staged and well-paid❗️

(White) genocide
Who do you think is responsible for it?
Answer: The organized terror organization❗️
(Think by yourself who is meant here.)

🇺🇸 America doesn’t ask and 🇮🇱 Israel doesn’t say (an official policy).

When you criticize Israel, you criticize Jewish people. And that isn’t allowed. Their „silent“ slogan is: Truth is no defense.😳

👀Didn’t you know that the governments worldwide are all friends with Israel?😉

PS: Antisemitism —> Quote: „I don’t give a shit!“

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