Castro Has Pride Selling-Out Canadians Tricking Sheep to Clot-Shot their lives away(all thUgs knew)

7 months ago

Birds of a similar feather, flock together.
Justin has communist roots and then joined his bloodline Freemasons cUlt to serve the old devils running the Mystery School that worships their reborn, A.i. BEAST(symoblized by a bull).

You are living in the time where Human kind can still gather together and stop the sell-out of human genetics by the Freemasons and other Luciferians. They are promised that their minds can survive death and remain upon Earth for an eternity, but this is a wicked devils' lie in order to gain their servitude. Fidel, Pierre and now Justin are in the same ancient cUlt that serves the Freemasons and thus serves the old devils.
Those devils still are living and one even showed himself to me in 2019 as a warning that they plan to extinct our species. They are having trouble to assassinate me because of the infinite probabilities that we all tap into... that means you too are protected by the Creator-God and will survive all murder attempts by the monsters. This gives your soul an entire life-time to develop and show your true-colors. The Creator-God has no use for murderous thUgs, so you better play your cards right by developing a loving-soul.

Pierre Trudeau wanted guns out of the hands of the sheep and into the hands of the sheepdogs. Justin does as he is told, too, by his Masonic masters.

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